How to Care for your Jewelry 

jewelry care guideOur jewelry can include some of our most prized possessions, and that’s why it’s important to make sure that it lasts as long as possible. Different types of jewelry require different types of care and caution. For example, it’s a bad idea to try cleaning opals by putting them in soapy water. Opals are very sensitive to chemicals and will lose their luster if they come into contact with soap or other chemicals. When cleaning them it’s also important to remember that if the water temperature is too hot or too cold, your opals can crack very easily.

Silver is a little easier to take care of and will resist tarnish if kept in a sealed plastic bag when not in use; however, silver, like gold and platinum, is very soft and will scratch very easily. For this reason, jewelry organization is important for making sure that your harder jewelry doesn’t scratch your softer jewelry. That being said, some jewelry can even get damaged just from outside exposure. Stones like amethyst, for instance, will lose their color if they are exposed to too much sunlight. Many pieces of jewelry (especially gold and soft gemstones) can be irreparably damaged by chemicals like the chlorine found in pool water, so it’s probably best to leave your gemstones in a safe place while you’re out and about during the summer.

Of course, our jewelry can also include some of our cheapest junk, but that doesn’t mean that it has to remain that way. Instead of allowing your unused jewelry to collect dust in an unknown dresser drawer, try recycling it by finding new uses for it. If you have an unused chain lying around, you can reappropriate it by cutting it to a desired length and either adding an ornament or wearing it as a solitary statement piece. Or, for a piece that you don’t really see yourself wearing as a necklace, try it as a bracelet. When all else fails, we will happily buy your unused or unwanted jewelry at J. Wiesner.